Organizing a Window Painting Gallery

Wireless Fusion Window Paintings 2015

Wireless Fusion Window Paintings 2015

A Window Painter’s Portfolio

My work as a window painter in Fall and Winter takes months to organize. The seasonal paintings I create for holidays are documented step by step as the designs are created and the finished product is detailed. The images stack up to hundreds of picture files.  The task of organizing a gallery and photo journal takes many weeks and months to create order out of chaos.

Often, I do pencil sketches from these photos and set them aside in a portfolio binder. My best work is then printed and added to this folder. The digital images are processed in a different manner. My current image galleries number in the thousands. That is a lot of images to sort through when looking for a particular image or design piece. But how do you organize and find anything in all of these images?

The first question you may ask is why do I take so many pictures? The images are study material. They are examples of my work and content images for my writings. Inside each photocell are the results of painting trial and success over decades. They are the process of the art. The photo is the documented history of an image that will only linger for a few weeks and be destroyed when the holiday is over.

Photographs are the only way to preserve this type of art. Eventually, these images will be applied in acrylic on canvas for permanent pieces and in gallery displays of talent. They are studied for further enhancement and are the markers of this artist’s history. A photo journal of this type needs to be categorized and images titled and tagged for optimum organization.

How The Galleries are Organized

Organizing a computer photo gallery is tedious work and time-consuming. First, a file folder is created for the subject matter – in this case, window painting. The file is then divided into assorted images that are similar or that were taken in the same period. I keep a record of individual clients I have painted for and divide that into separate holiday works. and the year created.

A copy of each character, scene or holiday icon is transferred to a file for the best images of the project. Snowmen go in snowmen folder, wreaths go in the wreath folder etcetera, etcetera. A “best of file” is created for not only the best-painted image but best photograph. This file is dual purpose. It is a quick access folder for images that will be saved to CD and preserved against computer failure or deletion. I have lost many a favorite photograph through a hard drive crash or corrupted motherboard. I would like to hang onto these images.

This “best of file” are images that represent my highest quality window painting artwork. It is my digital portfolio. I can use them on flyers, in demonstrations for students, and for just plain showing off my talents. They will be printed as 8″ by 10″ glossy photographs and framed as well as stored in a portfolio binder. They are the ones I show my new clients and with these images in hand, I can create new images using the details of the designs I have already produced. They help me evolve my paintings and increase the quality of my artwork.

These screen shots below are the processes I use to organize and sign each photo. There is a back file in each picture that contains details that allow for the image to be fetched in a general search. Tags, titles, and notes may be added as well as author name and other information. Right click on any photograph in your picture gallery and you will see what I am talking about. It is possible to title and tag several photos at the same time by selecting them and using the box at the bottom of the screen insert the information and save.

Organizing Individual Photos for Search and Signing

Open your pictures folder and right click the mouse button any image and a drop-down menu will appear. The properties option will be on the bottom of this list. Click on this selection and a box will open. Properties are the specific characteristics of the file.

Image Properties Screenshot - snowman - properties arrow

Right-click an image for properties menu


Next, go to the top menu and find the Details tab. (PLEASE NOTE: I do not change anything on this front page in properties. Doing so might interfere with the security of the file or the ability to share or edit the image.)


Properties Box

Properties Features


From the Details Menu, a variety of information is available for editing. The camera used will show as well as other information. Change what details apply to the image and sign it with the name of the photographer. Remember to add information about copywriting in the notes section. Add something like All Rights Reserved. It is important people know this is your work when the search engine shows them your picture. It can also help you find the images you have already edited for search optimization.


Propeties Detail Image

Properties Details – Edit Choices

If you look at the bottom of your folder gallery, there is a strip of information. These are property values of the folder itself and its contents. There are options for changing titles and tags and the author and subject here. Use the control button on your keyboard and click carefully on several images at the same time. The author name and other details can be changed in bulk at the same time. Again, do not forget to hit the save button. If you click back on the screen the information will undo itself. Save, save, save!!!

Properties Lower Strip Details

The Lower Properties’ Strip


How All This Information Applies to Search Assistance and Copywriting Photos

For a quick reference, if I want to find snowmen on my computer, I need only type that word into my search engine box and the images that were tagged properly  will populate in the search area. I pick the one I need to work with and get on with my project. I do not have to find the folder or photo and spend valuable minutes on a wild goose chase or a null result. The computer will do that for me if I have properly edited the image.

This process helps me also copyright my images. For the record, I would highly appreciate it if my artwork is not copied. It is years of painstaking study and inspiration. I am kind of selfish that way. This is the purpose of my book. If I teach the process of creating your own images and scenes, maybe artists won’t copy mine… anyways, thanks for reading. I have about a thousand more photos to edit and organize.


For more on my work and window painting, in general, see the following links:

the essential window painting guide book cover

The Essential Window Painting Guide




New Book About Window Painting and More on Halloween Painting

halloween painting

Office doors decorated with Halloween paintings.

Formatting Kindle Files and Publishing News

I have been slaving over a book about my window painting experience and techniques. It took me weeks of editing and tense moments to complete. I hand drew images and illustrations in Paint and Google Documents for explaining the directions. I worked with Word to sift out the important information needed and my goal has been met for the pre-holiday season. Yes, I cussed out all three of these programs as I went along, but I now have a Kindle version and a paperback book for sale! I wanted to be able to share my window painting techniques in such a manner that someone who does not even draw can pick up this tutorial and draw simple figures using lines and geometric shapes.

Window Paintings For Halloween

The hobby of window painting has been in my life for many decades. It delights me to share it when the seasons change and I know that painting for Halloween is close. I knock on doors and make phone calls to my previous clients. Often while I am painting, people ask me to paint next door. I love doing these paintings. The artwork I produce is a blend of realistic shading and cartoon imagery. Soon, the season will start again for window painters. The colorful paintings will appear on window panes to mark the holidays Halloween, Thanksgiving,  and Christmas. They may extend beyond those holidays as well to celebrate Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s as well.

Misc Window Painting Information

The only thing I do not enjoy about the paintings is the cold that comes in late November around the time I clean off Fall paintings and change over to the Christmas seasonal decorations. I only dislike it because my hands get cold and wet and it makes painting a bit challenging, but that does not stop me. These window murals are an ordered series of drawings and painted layers and techniques. This information may all be found in the cover of my book. The Essential Window Painting Guide is a book for beginners in both drawing and the window painting technique. If you cannot draw, but would like to, stop by my website and pick up a PDF copy of the guide today at the website

halloween paintings featuring pumpkis

Halloween painted pumpkins is a common theme in window painting for holidays

Halloween Paintings

Soon images like this will be painted for the Halloween season. I generally start painting about the beginning of October as the month has 31 days in it and that is plenty of time to enjoy the seasonal decorations. I love Halloween paintings and the delight that painting for this holiday is. I get some crazy ideas for window paning themes. Most of the time I do pumpkins for a generic Fall theme, but sometimes I get to do Jack O’ Lanterns and I really have a great time with those. The many shapes and sizes that pumpkins come in can be used with different faces and poses. I enjoy painting ghosts and trick or treaters roaming through graveyards of pumpkin patches.

I have several favorite icons for Halloween paintings, but the most frequent favorite is this funny faced pumpkin with the frightened face and the spider crawling on his face. I like painting a big bully pumpkin next to him that laughs at the scared little gourd. These were some of my original images when I began painting windows for more that the Christmas themes. The designs came to me as I cleaned the windows and set up the panes for the panting I would be adding to the glass.

The year I first did Halloween paintings I believe was 1988.. I had been working for a pizza restaurant that had several chain stores in the area and I was able to decorate the whole set of pizza parlors. I painted for a lounge next door to one of these eateries and I really enjoyed that series of paintings. The glass was tinted on the inside and the black windows really make the paintings leap off of the frames.

Happy Halloween painted greeting

Happy Halloween greeting painted at the bottom of a set of tinted windows.